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Healthcare reimbursement services

CVRx prior authorization service

Barostim is a new procedure that may require private insurance prior authorization approvals based on the patient medical necessity criteria.

CVRx Prior Authorization Service (C-PAS) provides case-by-case support for providers who perform Barostim implantation procedures. C-PAS is a HIPAA compliant entity and offers assitance for the following services:

  1. Coding and coverage information
  2. Eligibility and benefit verification
  3. Prior authorization
  4. Pre-determination or certification
  5. Pre and post service appeals

Hours: Monday – Friday 9am – 5pm CT
Email and voicemail messages returned the same day
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 763-416-2344
Fax: 855-710-7053

The clinic and reimbursement reference guide provides all Barostim related codes and billing examples. For support with coding, billing, coverage or claims, you can reach us at [email protected] or 763-416-2344.

Reimbursement and clinic reference guide

Effective 2025